Hello Friends,
Our Women on a Mission: Project Freedoms is a music compilation & unique art exhibit. It will bring together women from the music & arts community of international artists and singer songwriters by creating a unique interactive listening and visual experience, enhanced by a group of selected “Project Freedom” commentaries and inspire discussion on the issues of Women's Freedoms that come from heritage, environment, relocations, or gender or a vibe. Our gala exhibit and listening party, will open June 22 & art will remain-July 4th, 2024, at https://texpopatx.org
Project Freedom was the prompt for Vol 1 Women On a Mission. This beautiful red translucent vinyl set has 25 original tracks that are the fruit of the submissions. There are extreme diversities in expressions & impressions of freedoms. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
The funds raised from the sales of this special addition compilation go to TeXchromosome.org to continue the International Women’s Radio show and sponsoring live stages at festivals, conferences, and community events. We nurture humanity not vanity. Thank you to all our talented Women who participated & believed in our inaugural sampler project. We are humbled and grateful to the City of Austin Live Music Fund and our volunteer team. You make our hearts sing!!
#TeXchromosomewomen #Yourvoiceismedicine #Womeninspiringwomen