Potter's Studio, 1221 8th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

The Making Clay Flowers event is currently full. Please add yourself to the WAITLIST options below. We will reach out to you if space opens up and a spot is available for you.


This event is for WTS members. Not a WTS member but want to be? Click here to join WTS!


We need 16 crafty ladies to come make 100 clay flowers at the Potter's studio in Berkeley. Guidance will be provided. Prior experience is appreciated but not necessary.


Please sign up for the morning shift (8:30am-12pm) on either Aug. 2 or Aug. 5; each shift will have 8 ladies. The clay flowers will be fired, painted at the WTS Spiritual Retreat on August 25, and then "planted" in the Temple Garden to honor the victims of the October 7 attack and the resilience of the Israelis.


You do not need to attend the WTS Spiritual Retreat in order to attend this workshop and make the clay flowers for the Retreat.


Parking available. Wheelchair accessible. 


Register August 2, 8:30am-12:00pm
Register August 5, 8:30am-12:00pm
Register WAITLIST August 2
Register WAITLIST August 5


Temple Sinai Oakland Natalie Crouch necrouch14@gmail.com Oakland, CA 510-451-3263