Temple Sinai

Temple Sinai hosts many amazing events. We love having our congregants on our event committees to help make each one the best it can possibly be! Please look through our events and choose one to be a part of for next year. 

Some typical responsibilites of committee members:

  • Help make decisions on themes, music, food, decor and set up.
  • Recruit friends, congregants and folks from all around to join the event.
  • Be a part of set-up, clean-up and communication for the event.


Thank you in advance! Reach out with any questions you have. 

Sign Up

Break the Fast

Saturday, October 12, 2024. Help coordinate a beautiful Break the Fast on Yom Kippur. Plan to meet with Sarah Turtletaub (Associate Executive Director) virtually once a week for 5 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Hanukkah Shuk

Saturday, December 7 6-10pm & Sunday, December 8, 2024 9am-3pm. Help coordinate and set up for our Hannukah Shuk this winter! Plan to meet virtually once a week for 5 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Congregational Dinners

Simchat Torah (October 23) and Hanukkah(December 20) dinners.Help pick the menu, decor and programming for these two congregational events!

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Gin n'Tonika Hanukkah Party

Friday, December 13, 2024. 7:45-10pm. Help coordinate and set up for our Hanukkah party (for adults). Plan to meet with Sarah Turtletaub (Associate Executive Director) virtually once a week for 5 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Purim Party

Thursday, March 13, 2025. 6:30-9pm. Help coordinate a fun and exciting Purim party just for adults! Plan to meet with Sarah Turtletaub (Associate Executive Director) virtually once a week for 5 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 16. Help our education team plan and run an amazing Purim Carnival! Help recruit volunteers to run games, give out prizes and help with set up and clean up. Plan to meet virtually with Hadas Rave (Education Director) and Dalya Azulai (Youth Programs Coordinator) once a week for 5 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Unity Seder

Sunday, April 9, 2025. Help decide the menu, arrangements and set-up for the Unity Seder led by Rabbi Mates-Muchin. 

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Second Night Passover Seder

Sunday, April 13, 2025. 5-8:30pm. Help plan, coordinate and join us for the annual Second Night Congregational Seder. Plan to meet with Sarah Turtletaub (Associate Executive Director) virtually once a week for 6 weeks proceeding the event. 

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Ongoing. Each week we have a lovely Oneg after services! We would love some volunteer help once in a while when it comes to coordination, set up and clean up. This does not have to be a weekly committment, you can committ to as many Fridays that suits you. Plan to meet with Sarah Turtletaub (Associate Executive Director) once a quarter for a check-in. 

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Temple Sinai Oakland Sarah Turtletaub saraht@oaklandsinai.org 2808 Summit Street, Oakland CA 94609 9169438055