#SMNPCEINC now known as #Disruptive is a 501c3 associated with the CHBM Services LLC body of businesses!
Our mission is reducing poverty among single parents between the ages of 18-40 by providing support via career development and related resources.
We accomplish our goal via the following, Education | Development | Employment.
Effective 2020, we repurposed the annual Mother’s Day isn’t just in May event hosted every 2nd Saturday in October. This event offered mother’s the opportunity to feel celebrated outside of Mother’s Day as they enjoyed wellness activities, music, comedy, food and spirits while shopping with vendors. The uniqueness of this event wasn’t centered on it solely being dedicated to mothers, to be a featured vendor, the business had to be a female owned entity, ideally a “Mom-Preneur” shop providing services that cater to women.
The annual event doubled as a fundraiser that provided one $1000 scholarship to a single mother returning to college or trade school.
Today, we focus on raising funds throughout the year to
- host the Mommy Need a Minute Career Development and Networking Event series
- provide up to $250 to HS Seniors who are the children of Single Parents, to support their college application fees
- provide up to $500 to HS Seniors who are the children of Single Parents, to support paying their school fees
- provide $1000 STEM scholarships to justice impacted Single Mother's participating in the MDIJIM Career Development Program
To provide support the single parent community, we need your help.