Become a Directory Patron at to activate your directory listing,

We encourage you to Join the Shamanic Arts Center as a Directory Patron to activate your directory listing.

and help in our efforts to sponsor experiences, events, gatherings and meetings for the purpose of preserving and exchanging shamanic rituals and ceremonies by joining us today.

Call to the Shamans of the World. We are asking shamans, visionary artists, & wisdom teachers to travel to communities who want them (like the Shamanic Arts Center in Hotchkiss, Colorado) because we recognize that spiritual knowledge is best passed, transmitted and preserved by direct contact and experience. If you can not travel to us, we offer virtual options to connect with our tribe. We honor and respect your answer to our call. Mahalo

The Traveling Shamans is a group of shamans, wisdom teachers, & visionary artists each of whom has agreed to travel to areas around the world to provide shamanic programs as a method of preserving and transmitting both modern and ancient traditions while providing ceremonies and shamanic services to individuals, schools, and other cultural preservation groups who want them. 

We are so grateful for Patrons who provide not only material but also vital spiritual and energetic support to the Traveling Shamans to Shamans Camp and to the Shamanic Arts Center in Hotchkiss, Colorado. Patrons may also provide lodging and food, protection rituals, help shamans with travel by providing plane tickets or other transportation from their homes for themselves and assistants. Elderly shamans may also require physical assistance, drivers, and technical assistance with technology and social media during ceremonies or travel. 

Wisdom teachers, interested hosts or potential patrons or volunteers please join us Monday mornings at 10:30am online to discuss your plans for working with us.Sign-up for link at



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Directory Listing

You must be a directory patron @, or have made previous arrangments with to join the Shamanic Arts Directory before your listing will become active.

  • Listing in Shamanic Arts Directory
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You can help support Shamanic Arts Center projects by shopping at http://ShamanicArts.Shop.

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