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Reinvent Ministries
Join us LIVE online Thursday, May 14th at 6pm pt / 8pm ct / 9pm et

About Reinvent Ministries

Reinvent Next Gen

Our mission is to create flourishing for generations to come! Will you join us?

Reinvent Ministries is launching a bold new mission - we are setting our sights on the future!

As you know, every great space mission requires two things:

Brave men and women that pilot the rocket ship to its destination.


Excellent mission support.


As partners in our mission, your generosity allows us to fuel the ship, equip the leaders, and supply mission support with the resources they need.

Be a Part of the Next Gen Mission

Your financial partnership provides the essential resources for Reinvent Ministries to stay on mission. Here’s how:

Equip the pilots
Your gifts provide training, guidance, care, accountability and encouragement to our trainers, apprentices, sponsors and team members.

Mission support
Your gifts allow the lead team to coach and support the pilots, cast vision for the ministry, create and maintain digital resources for the pilots, and propel the mission forward.

What’s on the horizon? Big things!

  • Ennio Salucci and Kris Kile are preparing to “pass the baton” to the next generation! 
  • A new operational head in December 2020 – Brandon Cook!
  • New frontiers: Our trainings are headed to Virginia, Idaho, North Carolina and Santa Barbara, CA!
  • New trainers! Brandon Cook and Taylor LaBarbera continue in the apprentice program!
  • New sponsors in Michigan, Virginia and North Carolina!
  • Brand new coaching programs, ready to launch!

Mission Success

Because of our partnership with you, in the last year we created incredible results:

  • Eleven trainings in 5 states!
  • A new state – Arizona!
  • Apprenticing two new trainers!
  • Over 300 participants!
  • Almost 70 team members!
  • National prayer teams!
  • Ten official grad + family events !
  • Dozens of local get-togethers!


