Ways to Give
Monthly Giving
Make a greater impact by making a monthly donation to our students and programs.
Honor and Memorial
Honor someone special with a donation in their name. The tribute card will be sent to the recipient of your choice. Below please provide the address of your recipient(s) and other requested information. For example, your name; recipient's name, and address.
Planned Giving
Include Northwood Children’s Services in your estate planning
Planned Gifts
Although not everyone has the ability to make large outright gifts, everyone does need a will and many people can consider giving through a will.
A sample of a bequest:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Northwood Children’s Services_____% of my estate to be used by its directors and administration, in carrying out its corporate objectives and purposes.”
“All the residue of my estate, including real estate and personal property, I give, devise, and bequeath to Northwood Children’s Services.”