Your donation to Friends of the Folsom Powerhouse contributes to our goal of providing the community with interpretative, conservation and educational programs for the Folsom Powerhouse State Park. Any size donation is appreciated!
Powerhouse History
Friends of the Folsom Powerhouse Association, a non-profit, 501(c)3 public education corporation, is comprised of dedicated volunteers working with California State Parks to protect, preserve, interpret, and provide education to others about the Historic Folsom Powerhouse and the role it played in early California history. Through the interest and generosity of volunteers and supporters, the original powerhouse and equipment used in hydroelectric power generation and transmission still stand today and are preserved for the public to enjoy.
About the Park
The Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park is part of the California State Park System and is listed as California State Historic Landmark #633. The park boasts an inviting Visitor Center with educational exhibits, a gift shop, and a panoramic view of the Powerhouse, the grounds and Lake Natoma.
Admittance to the park and Visitor Center is at no charge to the public (nominal parking fee). Tours by trained and volunteer docents are available during Visitor Center operating hours of 12:00pm to 4:00pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful park grounds overlooking Lake Natoma, walk nature trails to Indian Grinding Rocks, picnics in the area or fishing in the lake. The parking facilities open at 12:00 Noon and close at 4:00 pm.