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Equip & empower women in your community and share your business.

Equip & empower women in your community and share your business.

Event Date: March 14th, 2019

Every month at Gather Her 35-40 dreamers, doers, entrepreneurs and believers gather to enjoy a free evening of faith and fashion. Come share your business with our tribe and you will get so much more than just a new client; you will gain a tribe of women who believe and support you and what your business is doing to change the community.

Offers & Perks

Before event:

  • Insta-story feature (1200 + followers). Business is featured for an entire day on insta-story with an CW Family volunteer as your spokesperson. Pictures/Videos from business would be appreciated.
  • Logo on all monthly marketing materials.
  • Logo and link in newsletter that reaches over 900 subscribers.


During event:Marketing material in shopping bags

  • Raffle item featuring your product or service
  • 2-3 minute greet opportunity to our Gather Her tribe (Optional)
  • Table at event (Optional)

Sponsorship provides through financial donation: 

  • Food/Drink - $250
  • Venue Rental - $150
  • Print material for handouts - $50; 
  • Study Guide - $100 (10 copies)  
  • Miscellaneous - $75 (PA System, shopping bags, signage,etc)

Total value is $625.

The difference is made up by raffle ticket sales. 

*CW reserves the right refuse offers that don't align with our mission

...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Every month, women enjoy a free evening thanks to your donation to explore their faith, discover their God-sized dreams and build community! It's a gathering of dreamers, doers, entrepreneurs and believers and for many, it's their first step towards realizing their purpose and becoming leaders in their community.

 Sponsor Gather Her North Chapter 2019 

As we get ready to launch into the 2019 season, sponsorship are available to support Gather Her North Chapter so that Created Woman can continue to offer our monthly gatherings for FREE! It's through your generous donation that women can explore their faith, discover their God-sized dreams, learn how to run their race well and show up as an Ambassador of Christ. It's our goal for our "doors" to be open to everyone and never allow finances to be a factor for any woman not come and we are able to do that because of your generosity.


Food & beverage, print materials for event, marketing, purchase of Created Woman Study Guides, gift for monthly speaker and miscellaneous items needed for event.


At Gather Her, women will:

~ Find refuge in a lovely environment.

~ Hear Biblical truths presented by monthly guest speakers.

~ Create authentic, pure relationships through girl talk time after each message.

~ Learn how to take care of yourself as an Ambassador of Christ through our monthly fashion partner.

~ Learn who God created them to be, inside and out and walk it out!

Gather her sponsor

$500 Offers & Perks: Click here to sponsor
Before event: Insta-story feature (1200 + followers). Business is featured for an entire day on insta-story with an CW Family volunteer as your spokesperson. Pictures/Videos from business would be appreciated. Logo on all monthly marketing materials. Logo and link in newsletter that reaches over 900 subscribers. During event:Marketing material in shopping bags Raffle item featuring your product or service 2-3 minute greet opportunity to our Gather Her tribe (Optional) Table at event (Optional) Sponsorship provides through financial donation:  Food/Drink - $250 Venue Rental - $150 Print material for handouts - $50;  Study Guide - $100 (10 copies)   Miscellaneous - $75 (PA System, shopping bags, signage,etc)
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Created Woman Foundation Heather Frierson Cedar Park, Texas 737-231-1830
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible