
Weekday Serve day: October 17 Bria and Titus


Bria, a single mom to a young son, was just introduced to CR a few months back in what could only be described as a divine introduction by the Lord. A single mom who was scammed by a local contractor, the repair needs were significant to begin with, but are growing with every spring storm. The windows in Bria’s home all leak and are causing major issues to the walls, and floors. A moment of relief came earlier this year when a dear friend loaned her money for the repairs. The relief turned to chaos and desperation as the workers that Bria contracted took the money and never returned. Left with numerous issues, little to no hope, and the pending rainy season, Bria found CR through a web search. After a 2-hour conversation, an invitation to church, and a full inventory of the repairs needed Bria is part of the CR family and we will soon begin the repairs to her home. Bria’s home is a mobile home, and has several started projects that need to be completed.



We have been blessed to serve her for months, and in the time we have helped connect her to church and a bible study!  She has been growing and embracing her faith!








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