CityLab Professional is a hybrid business model, movement, and methodology that enables true triple (win-win-win) relationships in which ALL Partners are invested in each other's success.
CityLab Professional partners are invested in a relational contract with an outcome-based economic model focused on Technical Education Certification, Local Employment Opportunities from Certification, with support for mortgage-backed affordable housing to realize community growth.
When applied, our approach fosters a highly collaborative environment that sparks innovation, resulting in transformation, improved service, and reduced costs.
- We do our best to honor our commitments.
- We also acknowledge that we are far from perfect.
- We are continually learning and growing and are grateful you're on that journey to help us improve.
In other words: supporting this project does mean you are making a bet on us.
If the bet does not work out, that's on you, not us.
We do our darnedest to be as safe a bet as possible through careful management of the business; investments in security, infrastructure, and talent; and in general giving a darn.
If you choose to use our Services, thank you for betting on us.