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EVENT TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Sat, January 20 11:00 AM CT
to Sat, March 09 12:00 PM CT

Latinitas offers certification programs for students allowing them to learn the basics of real-world skills such as website design, coding, journalism, and content creation. If you have a student that is interested in media and/or technology, Latinitas’s certification programs for teens are the perfect way to complement their education and allow them to learn new skills!

The Code Chica cohort is a 8-week long certification program for students to learn the in's and out's of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, with opportunities to hear from real world professionals about their career path. This program is completely virtual and free. The age range for this program is 13 years old - 18 years old.

Code Chica Cohort 22 will run from January 20th, 2024 - March 9th, 2024 and is slotted for 11am-2pm CST.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Flagship Program Coordinator, Mia Gomez-Reyes, at


Latinitas ofrece programas de certificación para estudiantes que les permiten aprender los conceptos básicos de habilidades del mundo real, como diseño de sitios web, codificación, periodismo y creación de contenido. Si tiene un estudiante interesado en los medios y/o la tecnología, los programas de certificación para adolescentes de Latinitas son la manera perfecta de complementar su educación y permitirle aprender nuevas habilidades.

La cohorte Code Chica es un programa de certificación de 8 semanas de duración para que los estudiantes aprendan los entresijos de JavaScript, HTML y CSS, con oportunidades para escuchar a profesionales del mundo real sobre su trayectoria profesional. Este programa es completamente virtual y gratuito. El rango de edad para este programa es de 13 a 18 años.

Code Chica Cohort 22 se desarrollará del 20 de enero de 2024 al 9 de marzo de 2024 y está programado para las 11 a. m. a 2 p. m. CST.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la coordinadora del programa insignia, Mia Gomez-Reyes, en


All ticket sales are stopped at this time. You can still make a donation. Please contact the event organizers if you have any questions.
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Latinitas Anais Castellanos Austin, TX (512) 576-3949
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible