Supporting the work of Grow Oak Ridge in farmers markets, community gardens and education
July 23, 6 to 8 p.m.
Enjoy 100% locally grown food at our first-ever Farm-To-Table Dinner at Fire & Salt Restaurant, highlighting the fresh summer produce of our Grow Oak Ridge farmers. We will be gathering in the restaurant's private dining room and seated long-table style, like a family gathering. The meal will be prepared by Chef Alex Gass and his staff. A limited number of private tables are available as well.
Gratuity is included, except on drinks ordered separately from the bar. Fresh produce will be purchased from the local farmers and vendors in our Market-To-Go program, including Gooseberry Knoll Farm, Enlightenment Acres, Wilson Family Farm, Aunt Nazzira and more.
Please select your first entree (chicken or beef) from the Dropdown menu, and put additional entrees for your guests in the Notes section.
Ticket includes food, non-alcoholic drinks, and a 20% gratuity.
Does not include alcohol or cocktails, which may be ordered from the bar.
Private table for four.