Art is a voice. Art is a weapon. 30 local artists & designers have created posters expressing their political opinions on everything from the election to smoking marijuana.
There is so much happening in today’s world, and at a time when we are being called to sit still and stay home. We hear all the time that our voice matters. but does it? We are often faced with the question “how can my single voice be heard in a sea of noise?” so we’ve created an opportunity to be heard. 30 indianapolis artists & designers have created posters expressing political opinions through art. Poster show 7-10pm, Friday, Oct 02, 2020 2119 Pprospect Street (Fountain Square). This is an outdoor event. Masks required. All safety measures will be enforced. (Rain date: Monday, October 05). Admission is free. Join us for this amazing and poignant event. Let freedom of speech ring.