VOLUNTEER TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Sun, August 04, 2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM CT

Pola Czesky Days Parade
Olivia, MN

Parade volunteers needed to represent 2B CONTINUED in the Pola Czesky days parade!

Walk along our float and hand out goodies (swag & freezies)!


Sign Up

Parade Walker

Walk along side our float and hand out 2B CONTINUED swag and freezies. Rest times available, if needed, to ride in Pickup Box

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2 of 12 claimed


2B CONTINUED Teuby Continued info@2bcontinued.org Glencoe, MN 320-854-4673 https://www.2bcontinued.org/
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible