Pecan Springs Ranch
10601 B Derecho Dr
Austin, TX 78737



Thank you for joining our forest of support for the 2024 RootBall! 


It's going to be an all-hands-on-deck effort, so we need YOUR help to make the night a success!


Please sign up for a role & shift time that makes sense for you -

we'll need everything from silent auction item runners to tech support/computer whizzes to 2 feet & a heartbeat!


If you have any questions, please contact TreeFolks' Directory of Philanthropy, Amy Dixon (


Thanks for helping us sow the seeds of a successful event together!

We'll be in touch with more details about your specific role soon...

Where We Could Use a Hand:

Set up decor, tables, silent auction,, grounds etc.
Setup - Silent Auction

Arrange silent auction items with their bid sheets

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Setup - hauling

Carry tables, silent auction items, general setup

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Setup - Decor

Assist with decor setup - centerpieces, etc

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Tech support

Help with credit card pre-auth, entering paddles up/live auction winners, any other tech support needs

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Traffic direction

Welcome & direct folks entering the grounds of Pecan Springs Ranch

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A/V Assistant

Run TreeFolks RootBall Slidedeck through A/V equipment

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Setup & check-in thru middle of event

Assist with check-in, credit card pre-authorization

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Tech support

Help with credit card pre-auth, entering paddles up/live auction winners, any other tech support needs

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A/V Assistant

Run TreeFolks RootBall Slidedeck through A/V equipment

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Program rep - NW

Engage with visitors about your program!

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Program rep - Refo

Engage with visitors about your program!

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Program rep - CommuniTrees

Engage with visitors about your program!

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Program rep - Nursery

Engage with visitors about your program!

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Check out
Tech support

Help with credit card pre-auth, entering paddles up/live auction winners, any other tech support needs

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Traffic direction

Welcome & direct folks entering the grounds of Pecan Springs Ranch

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Take down - hauler

Load tables & TF collateral out of museum

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Take down - linens

Assist folding & packing table linens

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A/V Assistant

Run TreeFolks RootBall Slidedeck through A/V equipment

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Auction Items Delivery
Silent Auction Item delivery

Make sure folks receive their silent auction items they've won when the auction is closed 10/18.

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Silent Auction Item delivery

Make sure folks receive their silent auction items they've won when the auction is closed 10/18.

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Silent Auction Item delivery

Make sure folks receive their silent auction items they've won when the auction is closed 10/18.

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Can't volunteer? You can still support this cause…


TreeFolks Amy Dixon Austin, TX 5126390269
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible