Hygiene Supplies for 100 Guests
Provide things like shampoo, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, and deodorant to 500 individuals.
Gas & Propane for One Month of Showers
Covers gas for our truck and propane for our water heater for one month of services. 
Underwear, Socks, & Shirt for 10 guests
Provide a brand new pair of underwear, pair of socks, and new tee-shirt for 10 people
Hygiene Supplies for 5 Guests
Provide everything needed for a shower for 5 people - razor, toothbrush, toothpaste. shampoo, finger nail file, q-tips.
Cleaning Supplies for 1 Month
Disinfectant for showers, Grey water tank treatment, Laundrdy soap for towels for one month
New underwear, socks, and t-shirt for 1
Provide brand new socks, tee shirt & underwear for one guest to put on after their shower