$3,303 raised of $20,000 goal
17% Complete



Your donation to the Classroom Novel Collections & Class Libraries Wish List item will help our teachers buy books, especially needed after the pandemic, for our Bell Students to read and enjoy!  Bell School teachers need funds to purchase new, additional, and/or replacement copies of novel collections to use in classroom instruction.  Bell School teachers also use these funds to introduce new novels to their students.  Friends of Bell is raising additional funds for Bell School's class libraries his year because teachers have been exhausting their novel funds early in the school year.  Increasing the funds for this Wish List item will allow our teachers to purchase additional novels throughout the year.  


Donations to this Wish List item will also go to implement the Readers Workshop curriculum, which "emphasizes the interaction between readers and text. Students learn to ask questions, make connections with prior knowledge and previously read texts, and ask questions to clarify faulty comprehension they recognize has occurred."  To learn more about Readers Workshop and how it encourages reading, please visit their website.


Thank you for giving Bell School students the gift of literature!


Team Organizer
Friends of Bell Brian Gurber info@friendsofbell.org Chicago, IL 773-534-5150 https://www.friendsofbell.org/
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible
