One Team's Saturday Challenges
$5,000 supports one full year of Saturday Challenges for one team of 12 youth Explorers and 3 Mentors. Your gift includes support of the gear that Explorers and Mentors need, their transportation, meals, and any park fees.
Mountain Bikes for a Team
At $2,500, your gift supplies the mountain bikes needed for a team of 12 youth Explorers and 3 Mentors. Each summer, teams tackle a 60-mile point to point adventure in Colorado and ride all over the trails of Austin during the school year.
Explore Curriculum for an Explorer
At $1,500, you support one youth Explorer all year long! Your gift helps cover the costs of Saturday Challenges, gear, travel, and food.
A Full Year of Meals
At $500, you can provide a full year of meals for one youth Explorer giving needed nourishment and energy to climb mountains, paddle rivers, and trek across valleys. 
Gear for an Explorer
At $250, you can provide gear like hiking boots, helmets, rain coats, fleeces, and more for a youth Explorer in the program. You can help keep youth safe while they adventure!
Any Amount
We are grateful for any donation size you choose! Your gift will support the 300 youth and 100 volunteer Mentors in our Program. Thank you!