Purchases 1 week of DART Bus Passes for ONE Resident so they can travel to seek employment or get to and from work. The #3 DART Bus Stop is located right in front of Dallas 24 Hour Club making it easy for Residents to use public transportation.
Purchases Vital Documents for a Resident so they can seek employment with the proper documents.
Feeds all Phase 1 Residents one dinner during their first 30 days.
Pays for all Drug Testing Supplies for one week. Scheduled and random drug tests are performed nightly and as needed to Phase 1 and Phase 2 Residents. Phase 1 Residents are breathalyzed nightly in addition to the scheduled and random drug testings.
Allows Dallas 24 Hour Club to keep up-to-date technology like tablets and computers for Residents to search for jobs, research companies, check email, and complete class work from Dallas College.
Covers expenses (food, decorations) for Holiday events like Valentine's Day, Easter, Labor Day, Halloween, etc. for Residents who have lost connections with family members and have nowhere to celebrate. Hosting Holiday events helps create a family-like environment at Dallas 24 Hour Club which provides fellowship and a community for the Residents.
Provides Big Books (200) which are distributed to every new intake so they can begin their journey of recovery.
Covers breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all Phase 1 Residents for 1 month. While our new intakes are in Phase 1, they are seeking employment and working diligently to get back on their feet. We provide all meals for the first 30 days, so these Residents can concentrate on their Recovery and getting a job without the stress of trying to pay for food.