You are invited to the 12th Annual
Bourbon and Cigar Night
Cristo Rey High School
The owners of La Cultura & Social have again enthusiastically embraced this opportunity
to help us raise tuition money for the students of Cristo Rey
We will be providing you and your guests with excellent libations, a cigar, and most importantly,
a solid opportunity for conversation!
(More below about the dancer we are supporting.)
We're Looking forward to seeing you,
Dave Barber, Mike Brown, Scott Dillabaugh, Ken Mellard,
Kevin Ryan, Chip Toth and Kyle Toth
Meet Our Star: Shannon Knopke
Shannon Knopke, a Kansas City native, is an alumni of St. Teresa’s Academy and is a graduate of the University of Kansas. She is a Sr. Executive Partner at Wellsky, a healthcare software company headquartered in Overland Park.
Although she was a producer on the documentary film: Mary, Life After Jesus: The Road to Ephesus, which was filmed on location in Ephesus, Turkey and completed in 2021, Shannon says her biggest achievement is raising three children, Madeline, Joseph and Maura who are now grown.
Shannon is also known for her distinctive art, which has had several local showings. Her primary collection is commissioned work which hangs in private collections or homes. Working from photography and choosing the best image is the first step. "Working with my clients from start to finish with image selection to the final piece is all part of the process. Understanding the story behind the subject makes each piece more meaningful and an honor to paint."
One of the original volunteer staff members of the Kansas City Irish Festival, Shannon is proud to lend her expertise and experience in all her community endeavors and continues her volunteer work with many local organizations.
Shannon is both excited and grateful for the opportunity to help impact the lives of the students of Cristo Rey by dancing in this year's Dancing with the Kansas City Stars.