Title: Spoon Artist: Blake Medium: Watercolor Description: Landscape of my favorite place on earth. Spoon is Spanish for?... |
$50Highest Bid
Dedee Boring
Highest Bidder
Title: Corners Artist: Blake Medium: Acrylic Description: Abstract with pale blue. I like pretty views. This is how I feel when I listen to a specific band. |
$100Highest Bid
Darrin Acker
Highest Bidder
Title: A Blissful Chaos Artist: Jake Medium: Acrylic Description: Fingerpainting, multi-colored. What you, even the smallest of things can have an impact on someone. Five minutes of chaotic fun is now captured in this canvas for eternity. |
$75Highest Bid
Hampton Friedman
Highest Bidder
Title: Demons Artist: Arrow Medium: Acrylic Description: Solid mustard with texture |
$40Highest Bid
Nicki Hollums
Highest Bidder
Title: The Other Side Artist: Arrow Medium: Acrylic Description: Black and White Lines |
$45Highest Bid
Heather Renee Buerger
Highest Bidder
Title: Dark Shore Artist: Arrow Medium: Sand and Paint Description: Black sand |
--Highest Bid
Title: Ahhhhhhhh Artist: Jake Medium: Clay Description: Painted clay disc. What is this you may ask? I don't really know. Your guess is as good as mine. |
$25Highest Bid
John Sablatura
Highest Bidder
Title: Blue Artist: Arrow Medium: Acrylic Description: Textured blues |
$25Highest Bid
Judy Beglau
Highest Bidder
Title: It's Okay to Feel This Way Artist: Arrow and Sally Medium: Acrylic and Ink Description:Colored Circles |
$75Highest Bid
Julie McElrath
Highest Bidder
Title: I Think It's Creepy Artist: Alejandro Medium: Paper Description: Collage |
$30Highest Bid
Judy Beglau
Highest Bidder
Title: 3 Days in the ER Artist: Jake Medium: Clay Description: Snake. When I was ten I was bit by a rattle snake and spent three days in the ER. Moral of the story, don't step on a snake. |
$25Highest Bid
Rebecca Floyed
Highest Bidder
Title: White Lines Artist: Arrow Medium: Sand and paint Description: Beach Scene |
$80Highest Bid
Highest Bidder
Title: La Heim Artist: Blake Medium: Acrylic Description:Serentiy hill landscape. I found a new life here. "Latta" serenity hill. |
$50Highest Bid
Dedee Boring
Highest Bidder
Title: Bridge Artist: Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Carnival Scene |
$300Highest Bid
Highest Bidder
Title: Whoops Artist: Sally Medium: Acrylic Description: Google eye christmas tree. There was a Christmas that in early recovery I wished I could forget. Over time though, the memory has become one that no longer tears me down. I can think of it and be grateful for who I am today! |
$50Highest Bid
Julie McElrath
Highest Bidder
Title: Dim Artist:Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Girl with candle. You cannot see. It is too bright. |
$150Highest Bid
Mike O'Brien
Highest Bidder
Title: Green Moments Artist: Arrow Medium: Acrylic Description: Green shapes |
$80Highest Bid
Julie McElrath
Highest Bidder
Title: Pull Artist: Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Faces pulling |
$300Highest Bid
Mike O'Brien
Highest Bidder
Title: Dry Drunk Artist: Blake Medium: Acrylic Description: No description provided |
$25Highest Bid
Judy Beglau
Highest Bidder
Title: Decay Artist: Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Skeleton and mushrooms. Decay represents a state of depression & instabilitly so vast one would feel as though they are rotting. |
--Highest Bid
Title: Hope Dealer Artist: Arrow Medium: Clay and chip Description: Grim reaper chip keeper |
$150Highest Bid
Julie McElrath
Highest Bidder
Title: Thirteen Artist: Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Minecraft painting. |
$50Highest Bid
Highest Bidder
Title: Just a Bum Artist:Alejandro Medium: Clay Description: Man without arms sculpture. The man with no arms no legs resembles the feeling of having no hope. |
$25Highest Bid
Nicki Hollums
Highest Bidder
Title: The Origin Artist:Anonymous Medium: Gravel and plastic Description: Bag of gravel. For us we all come from something for this we call the origin. Where it comes from, it remains. Mysterious. Just like the origin. |
$37Highest Bid
Nicki Hollums
Highest Bidder
Title: Arachnophobia Artist: Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Woman with five eyes. Look behind you. |
$100Highest Bid
Mike O'Brien
Highest Bidder
Title: Vivid Artist:Alex Medium: Acrylic Description: Horned woman. Do you ever wake up in a dream? |
$125Highest Bid
Mike O'Brien
Highest Bidder
Title: Toxic Artist: Arrow Medium: Acrylic Description:This is all the toxic things in my life piled into one hideously gorgeous pile. |
$75Highest Bid
Rob Hammett
Highest Bidder