The Three Rs: Restore, Renovate, and Revitalize a Historic Icon

The best of both the old and new - a restored WPA-era historic site for Atlanta, Texas and a modern community center for programs of all kinds.


Thank you for donating to support the restoration of Atlanta-Miller Grade School! Gifts of all sizes are welcome and appreciated, and should you wish to donate in honor or in memory of someone special, just let us know on the form provided.


For major gifts rather than simple online contributions, we direct you to Susan Crosby, our professional advisor at Transitions Wealth Management (susan.crosby@wellsfargoadvisors), or to our Treasurer, Danny Stanley (


We have begun the quiet but busy phase of our capital campaign to restore Atlanta-Miller Grade School and to convert it into a community center for educational programs of all kinds. While it may seem quiet behind the scenes, a lot is going on at Atlanta-Miller Grade School. To keep up to date, sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter.


In 2023, our historic school was officially removed from the "most endangered" historic site list by Preservation Texas, in recognition of our many volunteer-led achievements the past few years. We are currently working to secure National Register status with the able help of leading architectural firm, Architexas. If you would like to have a confidential copy of our case for support, kindly email us: Or, if you know Jane Cook Barnhill or member of the Board of Directors, reach out to them anytime. Thank you!


See our website at, and check out our GuideStar gold seal profile.





Thanks for Your Support!



Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible