The Three Rs: Restore, Renovate, and Revitalize an Historic Icon

Make a Difference - Donate Today!


Thank you for donating to our nonprofit, Atlanta Grade School Friends. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and appreciated, and should you wish to donate in honor or in memory of someone special, just let us know on the donation form provided.


For major gifts rather than simple online contributions, we direct you to Susan Crosby, our professional advisor at Wells Fargo (, or to our Treasurer, Danny Stanley (


We have begun the quiet but busy initial phase of our capital campaign to restore Atlanta-Miller Grade School and to convert it into a community center for educational programs of all kinds. We are conducting research, writing grants, requesting meetings with potential partners, and updating our constituents and the public via monthly e-newsletters and a new YouTube channel. We have secured the Candid GuideStar gold seal for public transparency and we have received impressive reviews and endorsements. We have created a professional case for support for use in fundraising (email us if you'd like the link), and we are working toward securing National Register status. We have also launched a new database to professionally and securely manage our daily operations, and we are modernizing our infrastructure to be more effective from an organizational standpoint, while also remaining lean and cost-efficient.


We are delighted to have been removed from the "most endangered" historic site list by Preservation Texas in 2023, in recognition of our achievements the past few years. Thank you for your contribution to our project's success, and for helping us move forward in exciting and modern new ways. We cannot do it without you!  


Enjoy our March 2024 progress report on YouTube @atlantagradeschoolfriends.




Thanks for Your Support!



Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible