Wine Pull- Grab Bag
For $20 you can recieve a supprised wine!  You never know what you can get!
Sold Out
Sponsor A Child
$25 per day can help a child receive a Catholic education. You choose how much to give.  How many days can you give? 1 day ($25)? 1 week ($125)? More?   Every year at the Dinner Dance Fundraiser Parent Club offer attendees the opportunity to make pledges towards our Tuition Assistance Fund during the Live Auction. This year we are opening up the opportunity to the community so you can help pledge even if you will not be at the event.  Thank you again for your continued support of The OLPH Parent Club & OLPH School.
Sponsor A Child
For $50 Dollars you can help families who are in need of financial assistance.
Sponsor A Child
For $100 Dollars you can help families who are in need of financial assistance.