No Prescription Psychologist

Age and Injury Consent

Verifying you understand the age requirements and Release of liability

Waiver of Liability

(If this is for a minor) I give my child permission to participate in the above said event.

This agreement releases No Prescripion Psychologist from all liability relating to injuries that may occur any and all activities that my child will participate in. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold No Prescription Psychologist entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.

I also acknowledge the risks involved in the activity stated above. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.

By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against No Prescription Psychologist for any reason. In return, I will receive participation to the above stated activity or event. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.

By viewing this, you fully understand and agree to the above terms.