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Thank you for continuing to support excellence in circus during this unprecedented time.
Circadium, School of Contemporary Circus, is a 501(c)(3) non profit school, incorporated in 2017 and based in Philadelphia, PA.
If you are just meeting your costs of living (bills, rent, etc.), this is the level for you! Recommended for people who have been financially impacted by the pandemic, students and those who are unemployed.
If you are meeting your costs of living but don't have much extra, this is the price point for you. Recommended for those who are employed part-time, underemployed or who have had their hours cut due to the pandemic.
If you are able to meet your costs of living without difficulty, are employed full time, and your hours and pay have not been affected by the pandemic, we would ask that you consider choosing this level.
If you are able to easily afford your costs of living and are contributing to savings, making investments and donating to causes, we ask that you choose this level. In normal years this was the standard ticket price for our in-person gala!
If you are in a position to help others attend this event, we would ask you to consider choosing this level.