2024 Macon's Big Bike Ride - Donate to Demarcus' fundraising goal!
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Donate to DeMarcus' Goal


2024 Macon's Big Bike Ride Ambassador

DeMarcus Beckham, Senior Regional Organizer, Human Rights Campaign


DeMarcus has called Macon home for a decade. His favorite pastimes include leisurely walks and jogs, which have allowed him to appreciate the area's unique charm. As an advocate for the development of walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, DeMarcus actively promotes the numerous benefits these features bring to the community. He firmly believes that fostering a sense of ownership among residents leads to greater responsibility for the environment, and he actively works to create spaces that encourage this mindset. Furthermore, DeMarcus champions the idea that walkable and bikeable streets facilitate active transportation and serve as catalysts for integrating public art and creating welcoming communal areas


Why I’m Passionate About This Mission:

As a city resident, I have had the opportunity to closely observe the evolution of our community. Over the years, I have seen significant advancements, particularly in public transportation and prioritizing public and pedestrian safety. I have volunteered with Bike Walk Macon, an organization that advocates for safer streets and promotes active transportation. Through this involvement, I have gained firsthand insight into their work's tangible impact on our citizens' daily lives. It has been truly gratifying to witness the transformation of our streets into more secure and pedestrian-friendly environments, thus contributing to an overall safer and more vibrant community.


How You Can Help:

My goal is to raise $500 as part of Bike Walk Macon's collective effort to reach $5,000. Every dollar you contribute will directly support vital programs and initiatives that foster a healthier, more sustainable Macon. Whether it’s creating safer streets, building bike lanes, or advocating for better pedestrian facilities, your donation makes a real difference.


Join Me in Making Macon Better:

Please consider making a donation to my fundraising page and help me reach my goal. And don't forget to sign up to ride with us on November 1st at https://www.bikewalkmacon.com/bigbikeride. Thank you for supporting a more bikeable, walkable Macon!



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